Now You Access Last on the List (Wait With Me, #5)

Last on the List (Wait With Me, #5)Last on the List (Wait With Me, #5)

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Book Descriptions :

Only a bad nanny knows what it?s like to kiss the boss.CEO millionaire, Max Fletcher is a single dad in desperate need of a nanny.Cozy Barlow is in the middle of her self-appointed ?gap year? and doing everything she can to detach from her past.But when her sister begs her to interview for the nanny position of a high maintenance client, she doesn?t have a good enough reason to say no.And when Max locks eyes on the twenty-something in a tie-dye sweatsuit who pitches the idea of daydreaming all summer?he prepares to give this bad nanny the boot.One problem: Max?s little girl thinks this plus-sized in body and spirit nanny might be her new bestie, so she hires her on the spot.Now Max is stuck with this bizarre woman who hates everything he represents?corporate greed, money, status, power.But one stormy night when the power goes out, he discovers Cozy doesn?t hate him. In fact, he?s the leading role in her fantasies.Fantasies, he would very much like to make a reality. .

Book Details :

Author : Amy Daws

Pages : 362 pages

Publisher : Amy Daws, LLC

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : 60095992-last-on-the-list

ISBN-13 : 9781944565558


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